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If you have registered on before, please enter your username and password here to view your account and complete orders. If you have never registered before, please click the Register button and complete the forms - welcome!

Username This must be a string of lowercase letters and numbers, at least 8 characters long, with no spaces. You may have registered in the past to create a personal account, and also as a buyer for one or more organizations. In each case, you registered a unique username - please enter the username for the account you are representing in this session.

Forgot Username It happens all the time! Click the Forgot Username button, type the email address associated with your registration, and we'll send your username to that email address.

Password This must be a string, with no spaces, at least eight characters long and contain at least one number. If you used upper and lower case letters when you registered, the site remembers that and will require that format when you login again.

Forgot Password Don't worry! Click the Forgot Password button. Enter your username and the email address associated with this registration, and we'll send the password to that address.

Forgot Email? If you have forgotten your username or password and are also not able to provide the email address that you registered with, the Forgot Username and Forgot Password buttons will not be useful. Your login information is also not available to Almy employees. In this case, we suggest that you create a new registration. We will link it to your Almy account so you will be able to view it and place orders, as before.