Help | Shopping Cart

Almy Shopping Cart

Here is a guide to information displayed and changes you can make on the shopping cart.

Item and Product Name
  • Color and Size If the product you have ordered has a color or size these will be listed. If you need to change the color or size of the product, remove it from the cart (click the Remove link), Continue Shopping and order the correct item.
  • View Custom Options If the product was ordered with custom options, you may review them by clicking the Custom Options link. This will display an Edit page where you may view the options and initiate changes if necessary.
  • Group If this product was ordered from a multi-size selection table, it may have been added to the shopping cart at the same time with other sizes. All sizes of the product ordered this way will be assigned the same Group code. If products in a group were configured with custom options, they all share the same options – any change to options for one size in the group will apply to all the other sizes. If you would like one member of a group to have different custom options, remove it from the shopping cart by reducing the Qty value or by clicking the Remove link, then Continue Shopping to order it separately.
Qty, Ship Date, Ship Qty
  • Qty This is the total number of this item (in this combination of color, size and custom options, if applicable) that you have ordered. You may edit the Qty value to increase or reduce the number of these items. Press the Recalculate button to see any effect on the price.
  • Ship Date & Ship Qty The ship date tells you when we expect the item will be available to be sent to you. Later in the check-out process, when we know your delivery address and the delivery service you prefer, we’ll display an estimated delivery date. Sometimes we may not have enough inventory available to ship the full quantity of an item at the same time. In these cases, we’ll display the quantities we can deliver at the earliest possible date on one line and the remaining quantity and ship date on another line. Note that we only charge you when we actually ship your products.
Price & Total

To see the true effective price of the items in your Shopping Cart, please . . .

  • Add all the items you will want – for some items, the price is dependent on the total quantity ordered or the combination of products in the cart.
  • Enter any keycode you have – the price may change if the items are included in a current sale.
  • Login – in some situations, the price may be affected by your customer profile.

Keycode All Almy catalogs, sale fliers and email offers display a keycode which controls the price that will be in effect when you order. In most cases the default keycode will produce the correct price and you will not have to change it. But in the case of mid-year sales, use the related keycode and you’ll see that the price of sale items is updated.

Continue Shopping Returns you to the page which displays the product that you added to the Shopping Cart most recently.

Quick Order If you are shopping with an Almy catalog and know the product code of the item you want to buy, type in the Quick Order box, press the Enter key and the product will be displayed for you.

Recalculate Recalculates the Ship Dates and Prices in the Shopping Cart in the event you change a quantity, remove and item or edit the keycode field.

Secure Checkout If you have not yet logged in, you will be asked to login or to register (new web customers). If you have already logged in, the Delivery page will display and you’ll be asked for a delivery address and service. All information you provide from this point on is encrypted to protect your security.